This was not a decision made lightly, or without significant deliberation, but the health, safety and well-being of the GOX 2021 global community is our highest priority. So, in the face of these continued health concerns, travel restrictions, along with gathering restrictions, and with the guidance of governmental and health agencies, the decision was compelled and required. If you have any questions, please contact Della Miller, della@avs.org.
Please stay safe and healthy!
Hotel Cancellation
Ultra-wide bandgap materials have emerged as a potential route towards next generation power and RF devices with superior performance compared to conventional semiconductors such as Si, GaAs, SiC or GaN. Many of the figure-of-merits for predictive device performance scale non-linearly with increasing critical electric field which is directly related to increasing bandgap and show great promise for these immature materials. Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) is an UWBG material of particular interest due to the availability of high-quality, relatively inexpensive, large-area native substrates with a wide range of doping required for various applications. However, there are still many technical challenges that must be addressed in order to realize the full potential of Ga2O3. These include but are not limited to: epitaxial material quality and reductions of native defects; intentional doping; advanced device scaling and fabrication processes; and heterojunctions.
The 5th U.S. Gallium Oxide Workshop (GOX 2021) will be held in the Washington, D.C. area on August 8-11, 2021, to highlight domestic research in the rapidly emerging field of Ga2O3 and related materials with high critical field strength. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a premier platform for reporting recent advances in materials and device development and identify scientific gaps remaining. The intent is to create actionable coordination across government, industry and academia to enable rapid transitional technologies in this field. There will be no written proceedings in order to facilitate a friendly and stimulating environment for scientific discussions among participants from domestic and international Ga2O3 research groups. Attendees can expect topics including, but not limited to: bulk and epitaxial growth, theory/modeling/simulations, device and circuit advancements, materials characterization and novel properties, and heterostructures.
GOX 2021 will consist of two and a half days of presentations by invited and contributed speakers, as well as two evening poster sessions where the latest Ga2O3 results can be discussed. The Workshop will be preceded by a welcome reception beneficial for networking with others in the field and establishing new collaborations. Additionally, we hope that attendees will have time to explore all that the U.S. capitol area has to offer in terms of history and local attractions.
Program Chair

Kelson Chabak
Air Force Research Laboratory
Key Dates and Downloads
April 2, 2021
May 12, 2021
June 1, 2021